Fulfillment by Armadillo Wenzhou
It’s totally free for our customers
Let Armadillo check everything on factory, negotiate everything with factory and control everything for your orders. You want price and quality, you get price and quality.
Over the past 8 years in hardware industry our company know 99,9% all the issues and problems faced by our customers when working with Chinese factories. And we know the answers to all these requests, we know how to solve it. Therefore, we offer service Fulfillment by Armadillo to our customers. We solve all problems for you. We will relieve you of fake samples, defects of the goods, misunderstanding. Armadillo will make for you technical task, track the execution of samples in the shortest possible time, test, guarantee quality at all stages of production and during the shipment.
Factory Audit
- We can check for you the factory and you can get any information from it.
Negotiate for you with factory
- During negotiations with the factory, we take into account the cultural and national characteristics, mentality and specifics of the Chinese language to achieve a full understanding. We are able to negotiate and resolve all issues.
We offer 6-times quality control:
- 1 check on the factory when made a sample + 1 check in our own laboratory
- 1 check when factory produce your order + 1 check in our own laboratory
- 1 check after finished producing + 1 check in our own laboratory
No fake samples
- Good quality photo from factory or from our own laboratory without Photoshop.
We on one side with our clients
- For us establish long-term partnership with customers is one of the top priorities. We work for you and your wishes.
Guarantee of timely shipment
- Quickly and professionally prepare all the necessary documents for shipment.